Purchasing a P.C

Computer Specification

The monitor on a computer allows the user to see what functions the user is choosing, in other words allows the user to communicate with the computer. The computer would not be useful without the monitor. The monitor below is £99.99 out of PC World. I would recommend this monitor because it is a popular brand (LG) and also it is a full HD screen which will benefit the customer.

Here is the link to purchase the Monitor

Hard Drive
The Hard Drive is the part of the computer that actually runs it and permanently saves all storage on a computer. The Hard Drive holds all the memory and can vary from different sizes of memory it can hold at one time. I recomment this hard drive because it is fairly cheap copared to other shops, and will hold a lot of memory. This HardDrive has 2TB storage space which will allow the person who purchases this to hold all thier media files or folders.

This HardDrive is £89.99 out of P.C World.

The keyboard is used to communicate with the computer, allows the user to insert and search for specific data by simply pushing letters and also digits. This keyboard i would highly recommend because it is fairly cheap and has the design to make it most comfortable for the user. It prevents users from getting uncomfartable after using the keyboard for a while.

Here is the link to purchase this keyboard and the price is £29.99 (Comes with a free mouse)


The mouse allows the user to move the icon on screen to choose whatever programs or link he/she would like to access. The mouse is fairly small and comes with the computer, usually ranges from £20-50, depending on the standard and quality. The mouse allows the user to communicate with the computer. I would recommend this mouse because it allows the user to adjust the speed of how fast/slow the cursor moves around the screen. This mouse is also designed to be very comfortable and easily held by the user.

Here is the link to purchase this mouse, its price is £48.99


Database Package

Microsoft Access is an example of a Data base package that is being used by a number of different company/businesses. Microsoft Access allows user to create blank databases or even choose from a selection of different templates to fit whatever data they want to present. It is easily navigated and feature friendly, basic computer knowledge is all you need to use the common features in this software.

 To purchase Microsoft Access click this link. The price is £119.99

I recommend this package because it is very popular and made by a very popular business called Microsoft. A lot of organizations use Microsoft Access as it is fairly easy to use and people don’t need a high level of skills to use the software.

Spreadsheet Package

Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet software package that alot of different organisations use. It is very useful and does not take much training to use the features available. Microsoft excel allows the user to create charts such as pie charts, bar charts and line charts. Microsoft excel is available to opurchase on this website http://www.365professionals.com/store/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=16&gclid=CM7Hnc-7jbUCFW3MtAodAQUAmw for £49.99.

I would recommend this package because it allows users to present information, with formatting and makes the spreadsheet interesting and attracting for the audience. This package is easy to use and fairly cheap.

Internet Package

Google Chrome is a very useful internet browser, it has its own email feature called GMail. This interent browser is the fastest in my opinion and has pop up feautures available that block unprotected sites that may infect or corrupt you computer. Google Chrome allows the user to browse the internet faster and safer than usual. You can download Google Chrome for free at https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/

 I would recommend you download this broswer because in my opinion its faster than other browsers and it is free for anyone to try and download.

Transfering video files

USB Drive is useful for transferring videos, this is done by copying a video file from one computer and then saving it onto the USB and then inserting the same USB into a different computer to view/save the video. This is done easily and for free, you can purchase a USB here: http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&q=usb+drive&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=819&wrapid=tlif135946105395510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=5502557742175013114&sa=X&ei=_roHUajiBcy0hAft5IDwBA&ved=0CFcQ8wIwAQ
It is only £6 to purchase this USB Drive

I would reccomend this because it is easy to use and is cheap to purchase, also hold alot of memory to hold all your neccessary files.

SanDisk Cruzer Blade USB flash drive - 16 GB
Games x3

Call Of Duty

Call of Duty is a worldwide famous game that allows people all over the world to play on maps and compete against eachother in all different game modes, to kill then enemy team the most or overtake thier objective. Call of Duty is very popular for its real life 1st person shooter graphics, large explosions and realistic guns make the game full of intense gameplay that attracts the gamer to continue playing. The game is availbale on many different consoles suchj as P.C, XBOX and PS3.
Purchase the game here for £30.39

I recommend this game because it can keep you entertained in the house and can play with friends and compete against the whole world.

Call of Duty - Black Ops 2

Grand Theft Auto Liberty City

This game is based in Liberty City and the game is about a a Eastern European who moves to the city of dreams to make his dreams come true with his cousin Ronan. Ronan has filled his head with over exaggurated lies to make him come over and help him move to the top of the criminal world, their dream is to have beautiful women, fast cars and lots of money. I recommend this game because it allows the player to free rome around Liberty City, unknown what they will come across next. The storyline is very exciting and gives the player the choice do whatever in life without worrying about facing real life concinquences.
You can purchase the game for most all gaming consoles for example, ps3, xbox360 and PC.

 You an purchase this game for £20.93 here:

Brain Challenge Game

The brain challenge is a very useful gameforgrowing children or even elderly people.It can test how fast your brain works after asking you a series of questions, and the game would tell how smart your brain is by the time it takes you to solve the problem. I recommend this games because rather than most games these days it can progress your brains functuality and allows you to try beat hyou brain score each time.  This game is available on many different consoles such as xbox, ps3 and nintendo DS3

You can purchase this game for £13 at https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/17050610181302696624?hl=en&q=brain%20game&um=1&ie=UTF-8&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=820&wrapid=tlif136085096536310&sa=X&ei=VPAcUeeeOaPG0QWbpoDIDg&ved=0CH8Q8wIwBA
Product Image

Fujifilm FinePix S2980 - Digital camera 

This camera is to be bought by someone who wants to capture scenes at thier best. Provides the equivalant of a 28-504 mm lens on a full-frame digital camera, but quater the size. The camera is fitted with a 14 megapixel camera and amazing zoom quality.

 I recommend this camera because it has great quality for capturing portraits, widelife and good for catching fast moving objects on camera. The camera is fairly cheap for it's quality and has a good size for portable use.

You can purchase this camera on the website that is linked below for £74 online or £100 Nearby in local shops.


Product Image

Canon PIXMA iP2700 Colour Ink-jet printer

This colour printer is ideal for anyone who wants an affordable high quality printer for thier own personal use. The printer provides is stylish and easy to use.

I recommend this printer because it has easy to use features and is afforadable for mostly any working person. The printer provides high coloured quality images.


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