Poor Response Times

Poor Response Times

I think the computer is slow because of all the software downloaded onto the computer. After using a computer for a number of years’s people tend to download a lot of software packages or other files that they may not need no more and all it is doing is using up valuable memory on the hard drive.

Defragging your computer is always is a good idea, this is when you make extra space on your computer by deleting some software installed, that you don’t use anymore. You should always defrag your computer when you feel that it is becoming slower than usual because it just means you have downloaded too many things over the last period of time and the computer is struggling to hold all them software’s and also run at the same time.  This may be the reason that your computer is going slow, otherwise it could have a virus.

You can scan for viruses to check if your computer has been affected by any of the software you have downloaded. A virus can mess up your computer completely and people can have access to your personal files. It also slows down your computer and in some cases makes your computer unusable completely. Viruses are very popular on the internet; most of them are advertisements on websites claiming you have won a prize for example, if you where using your computer and you entered a website and there were advertisements about how you have won a prize and you need to click OK to continue. If you click OK the computer may show up and download button and if the user clicks download or install the computer is then effected by the virus, as it has been installed into your computer. There are many reasons to why people create viruses, so they can access your personal information or some viruses and primarily made to mess up your computer. You can purchase software like Firewall to scan and protect your computer against viruses.

When playing games on your computer, the games you play can use up a lot of memory for the hard drive and computer. This can make the computer run slow as it may not have even power or memory to hold the games memory. Computers need to be very powerful to handle the game and allow it to play without freezing or running slow.  If your computer is not strong enough to handle the games you are playing you can purchase new cards or memory sticks that will make your computer more powerful and be able to handle the games memory. These can range in price depending on how good/powerful you want your computer to be.

If none of this works you may have to purchase a whole new gaming computer with a more powerful hardware or protected with the correct software which will prevent you receiving viruses or tell you if you are entering an unsafe webpage.

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