Types of Computer Systems

People on the move who need the device for their jobs, business men use this device.

Mostly everybody uses Personal Computers because they are useful to anyone trying to find information, they are bought for families and are just like laptops but in a ststationary place. Businesses and companyies use computers, aswel as school etc.
Laptops are very commonly used, because for one reason they are portable. Business men use these because they can work on their projects or tasks when they are outside of thier homes or away from thier company.
Everybody uses Mobile Phones, they are used for contacting people and mostly everybody in our world will have a mobile phone. They are getting smarter and smarted and becoming more useful for our world and the applications are becoming to the point where you can do anything with technology
Gaming Consoles are growing rapidly, they are mostly played by children but have a huge audience for adults too. Most shooting and violent games are 18+ but still have a lot of games for younger generations.

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