Health & Safety connecting peripherals

Health & Safety connecting peripherals

Connecting a scanner to your computer safely

When connecting a parallel scanner to your computer, check that each end of your USB cable fits into each input section, and insert it in straight so the end of the cable is not bending because after a while it can cause a rip in the wire and can cause problems such as breaking or causing an electric shock. When inserting the USB cable ensure that all power is off so you eliminate the risk of getting an electric shock. When inserting the USB cables, take your time to insert them safely to ensure that the wires are not hanging out the back/side of the computer so when walking past someone will not catch their foot on the wire and fall, or even pull the scanner off the desk will the force of your foot pulling the wire and making the scanner fall off the table onto the floor.

 Connecting a printer to your computer safely

Take your new printer out of the box and locate in a safe place, not hanging over an edge of a desk so it doesn’t fall, or someone cannot knock it over when walking past. Connect the square end of the USB cable to your printer and the rectangular end to your laptop/computer. Turn all power off when doing this then after inserted each end of the USB cable, turn your printer on then your computer should recognize the newly added hardware as a printer then follow the steps on screen to successfully set it up, and install all necessary software. After installing all software go on an image and try printing off an image and check if the image is printed successfully. Ensure all wires are not hanging out and they are neatly coming straight from your printer to your computer.

Connecting a digital camera to your computer

Use the USB cable that comes with your computer to connect it into a USB port into your computer. Make sure the camera is safely sitting on a desk without any wires coming out to make sure the camera does not fall or get damaged. After inserting the USB cable from your camera into your computer, the computer will recognize that you have inserted hardware and it will know that it is a Digital Camera. If you want to import images from your digital camera to your computer, after inserting the USB cables a Dialog box will appear and allow you to choose from a selection of option you would like to do, if you want to import images choose “Import using Windows.”

Connecting external speakers to your computer

After getting your speakers, get the USB wire that has two green ends. Simply insert one end of this wire into your headphone port on your computer, it may have a green ring around the hole where you are meant to insert the wire or else it will have a headphone symbol. Once you have inserted each end of the wire into your speaker and your computer you are good to go, simply play some music to check and see if your speakers are working correctly. Ensure that all cables are safely and neatly stored behind the computer so wires are not hanging out around your computer.  Make sure that the speaker are also sitting securely on a desk where they will not fall or be damaged, also don’t play music too loud because it may damage hearing.

Setting up your computer work station

When setting up your work station make sure everything is neat and tidy. Don’t allow wires to hang out from the sides of your computer, because when walking past your foot may catch on the wire and may cause something to fall and break. Place your keyboard straight in front of your monitor in an appropriate place so you are combatable when typing for long periods of time. Place your mouse beside your keyboard so it’s easily accessible and you don’t have to stretch just to reach your mouse, using a mouse mat is better than just moving your mouse along your desks because it’s is easier to navigate your mouse when using your computer. Make sure your comfortable and have a good computer chair that supports your back when using a computer for long periods because if you’re sitting uncomfortably it can cause you to get pains in your muscles. Make sure your back is straight and that your monitor is adjusted to be eye level so you don’t have to hold your eyes in a position just to see the screen, because after long hours of use it can cause your eyes to become strained and cause headaches and also pains in your eyes. Take regular breaks when using a computer because after long hours of use can be very stressful.

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