Output Devices

Computer monitor - The monitor of a computer is the most common output device, the monitor is the screen in which words, numbers and graphics can be seen.
Computer Disk - Some compact disks can be used to put information on. This is called burning information to a CD, a CD can also be an input device.

Printer - A printer prints whatever is on the monitor onto paper. printers can print words, numbers, or pictures or any page open on your monitor.
Speaker - A speaker gives you sound output from your computer. Some speakers are built into the computer and some are seperate.

Disk Drives - A disk drive is used to record information from the computer onto a floppy disk or CD

Floppy Disk - A floppy disk is used to record information. The information is stored on the floppy disk and can be used later or on another computer

Headphones - Headphones are like speakers but they are for an individual user, they are worn on the ears so only person can hear the output.

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